We are happy to announce that Anne-Sarah Ganske received a grant from the "Network of Biological Systematics Austria" (NOBIS Austria) for her research entitled "Lithobius - A big genus in a small subphylum: phylogeny and evolutionary history", which she carried out within the BIG4 project. NOBIS Austria is a network for scientists working in the broad field of biological systematics – on evolutionary research, phylogeny and taxonomy – theoretically, philosophically and pragmatically.
Anne-Sarah presented and discussed first results of her PhD-project at the NOBIS Annual Meeting, held on 22-23 November 2018 in the Museum of Nature South Tyrol in Bolzano. Congratulations!

Dr. Elisabeth Haring (left) and Dr. Sabine Agatha (right) with NOBIS-fellowship holder Anne-Sarah Ganske (center).