Biosystematics, informatics and genomics of the big 4 insect groups: training tomorrow's researchers and entrepreneurs
Fredrik Ronquist

Objectives: Much of our knowledge of biodiversity is based on citizen-science efforts. For instance, more than 80 % of the 430 million biodiversity occurrence records that are available from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (http://gbif.o... show more

Objectives: Biodiversity inventorying and environmental monitoring is currently based on traditional identification methods, which are expensive, slow and limited by available expertise. Metagenomic techniques promise to completely revolutionize biod... show more

Objectives: The vast majority of hydrophilid beetles are members of Megasternini, the youngest and most speciose tribe. Reasons for their immense species and morphological diversity are still unclear. The group moreover includes a number of invasive ... show more

Objectives: Gall wasps (Cynipidae) comprise the largest radiation of gall-inducing insects that can control plant morphogenesis with astounding accuracy. That control mechanism still unknown, and the evolutionary origin and early diversification of g... show more